UOI#2 – How We Organise Ourselves

How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea:

The movement of the Earth affects how we behave.

Lines Of Inquiry:

  • Earth’s movement in space
  • Ways that climate affects humans
  • How we use time to organise our lives


Change – How does it change? Connection – How is it connected to other things?


Assessment Part 2 Task:

Use a new presentation method to show your new learning i.e. if you presented with a poster in UOI#1, use a different method this time – perhaps a booklet, a PowerPoint, a verbal presentation…

Students write 3 or more questions about Lines of Inquiry #2 and #3 (above), but choose only your best question. Think about: different climates in the world, and how time affects us each day.

Use your prior knowledge and add further information from your research.



Websites for research on The Solar System

Children’s guide to the Planets (spacekids) – http://www.spacekids.co.uk/solarsystem/


Websites for seasons research

How does weather affect the way we live?   http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=1059

How does the climate affect the way people live? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry_s5I5h298

How people live in different climates.  http://climatelife.weebly.com/

NASA – weather and kids – http://climatekids.nasa.gov/menu/weather-and-climate/

BBC – What is weather? – http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/whatisweather/aboutweather/flash_menu.shtml

Years and Seasons BBC – (aimed at Year 5) http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/environment_earth_universe/astronomy_space/revision/5/