UOI#6 Where we are in place and time

Murray Street, Gawler

Murray Street, Gawler

Where we are in Place and Time

Central Idea: People are connected to places in different ways

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. Features of different places
  2. Why people are connected to different places
  3. How places change and remain the same


  • Connection – How is it connected to other things?
  • Change – How has it changed?
  • Perspective – What are the points of view?


Where we are in Place and Time

Central Idea: People are connected to places in different ways

  1. Interview a person about a place they have had a connection to for long period of time. It could be your grandparent, parent, teacher, pastor, family friend etc.
  2. Challenge (optional): create two mind maps, one for you and one for your interviewee to show how you are connected to place in different ways.

You will present your information in Week 8.

Your information can be presented in one of the following ways:



Video (iPad)

Timeline with pictures

Other ________________________________(talk to your teacher)


Use the following questions as a starting point to record your information:

Interview Questions (amongst others)

Name of person

How are you connected to this place?

What are the features of the place? (weather, landscape, buildings, population etc).

How has the place changed over time?

How has the place stayed the same?

How are other people connected to this place?

How do you feel about the place?

How might other people feel about the place?